The key to health and wellness stems from a deep love of SELF.

  • What is Reiki?

    Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands", or hovering, and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

  • What does an herbal consult include?

    In the weeks leading up to this retreat, you will receive an intake form from Erin ( via your email. This form will ask questions about the current state of your health and well-being. During the retreat, you will receive an individual treatment plan will include herbal remedies and, where appropriate, dietary changes or nutritional supplements.

  • What's a healing session?

    In the synergy of the moment, Kristin pulls out the technique that is needed for each client. These individualized sessions include a combination of modalities designed intuitively for each client. Modalities include but are not limited to; Aroma Touch therapy, Reiki, Crystal healing, Chakra alignment, Meridian massage, Ancestral healing, Womb healing, Angel access, and Sound therapy. 

    Sessions last for @90 mins and assist in reaching ultimate health. 

  • What's a personalized reading?

    A personal reading is a private 45-60 min session that focuses on you and the forecast of your upcoming year. Kristin calls on your ancestors and guides, to work with her, to coach you through the next steps on your life path.

  • What's the Chakra workshop about?

    This workshop will give you a general understanding of the Chakra system. You will learn the basic history and traditions of how to connect, nurture, and align with your own Chakras.

  • What's a sound bath?

    A sound bath is the practice of using different sound frequencies to improve your physical health and emotional wellbeing. Kristin uses crystal healing bowls, shamanic drums, her voice, and other instruments during the sound baths. This can be a group or an individual experience.

  • What can I expect for a sample retreat schedule?

    7-8 Morning stretch (sun salutations)
    8-9 Breakfast
    9-11 Meditation and journal work
    11-12 Movement workshop
    12-1 Lunch
    1-3 On your own reflection & swim
    3-5 Small group or individual sessions.
    5-6 Community Dinner or on own
    6-7 Evening session

  • What if I cant afford the full retreat price right now?

    If you have financial limitations or a valid reason you cannot afford the full price of the retreat, we can work with individuals allowing payment plans or other discounts on a “per person” basis. Contact

  • What should I pack?

    Passport and print out of hotel itinerary (for immigration)
    Yoga Mat
    Insect Repellent *
    Water Bottle
    Comfortable fitness gear
    Swimsuit (maybe 2)
    Walking shoes
    Healthy snacks
    *We will provide Empress Roots Natural Bug Spray, and mineral sunscreen.

  • What shouldn't I pack?

    Too many clothes
    All your electronics (disconnecting is a part of the experience, right?)
    Your work email
    Your best jewelry and fanciest clothes
    High heels
    Hair dryer/hair spray
    Negativity or judgment